Auto Insurance

Uber/Lyft Auto Insurance

Getting to a meeting across town has become easier with services like Uber and Lyft. But what about the risks if you’re the driver? Like anyone behind the wheel, drivers face some exposure if they are not properly insured.

If you’re a rideshare driver – or passenger – you may be confused. Don’t these companies already provide insurance to protect the drivers and passengers on the road? Yes and no. Rideshare service operates in three periods: first, when driver is online waiting for requests; in the second, the driver accepted a request and is heading to pick up the passenger; and third period, where the driver has picked up the passenger and is driving to the destination.
Companies Uber, Lyft and others generally provide limited 3rd party liability coverage – and no coverage for comprehensive and collision losses – for period one.That’s where gap coverage comes into play. We offer gap coverage in the standby phase, or period one, in Massachusetts for drivers who use their personal car working for rideshare services like Lyft and Uber. An app like Waze helps you navigate the roads but the insurance landscape can be trickier.

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Sullivan Insurance

& Financial Inc.

487 Groveland Street Haverhill MA 01830

Phone: 978-372-2790
Toll-Free: 866-372-2790
Fax: 978-373-2281

Monday-Thursday 9-5
Fridays 9-12 Noon
By appointment anytime