
Personal Auto Insurance

Personal automobile insurance covers private passenger vehicles. It provides protection against economic loss to an insured from bodily injury or property damage to others (liability) arising from the operation, maintenance, or use of a covered automobile. Coverage may also be purchased for damage to vehicles owned by you (Collision & Other than Collision).

While it may appear difficult to read, it is extremely beneficial to understand your personal auto insurance policy. The main purpose of your personal auto insurance is to transfer some of the risks of driving from yourself to your insurance company. By transferring that risk, you save yourself from the heavy financial burden that can come after an accident. Your policy can pay for these losses, give you peace of mind, and satisfy legal requirements.

Request A Quote

Sullivan Insurance

& Financial Inc.

487 Groveland Street Haverhill MA 01830

Phone: 978-372-2790
Toll-Free: 866-372-2790
Fax: 978-373-2281

Monday-Thursday 9-5
Fridays 9-12 Noon
By appointment anytime