Home Under Construction Insurance
Insuring a home while it’s under construction presents can raise red flags for insurance companies. A house poses significant risks while it’s being built via vandalism, theft, damage to building materials, or onsite equipment.
To account for this additional risk, insurance companies require the purchase of a dwelling under construction endorsement. Also known as builders risk insurance, this coverage add-on ensures your home stays insured while it’s in the process of being constructed. Let’s outline the ins and outs of dwelling under construction coverage and where you can buy it.
Request A Quote
Sullivan Insurance
& Financial Inc.
487 Groveland Street Haverhill MA 01830
Phone: 978-372-2790
Toll-Free: 866-372-2790
Fax: 978-373-2281
Email: ksullivan@sullivanif.com
Monday-Thursday 9-5
Fridays 9-12 Noon
By appointment anytime