Eco-Friendly Holiday Tips

Eco-Friendly Holiday Tips

Did you know that Americans produce more trash during the holidays than any other time of year? 25% more, to be exact. Between the wrapping paper, disposable plates and silverware, Christmas trees and cards, cardboard boxes and plastic shopping bags – it’s hard...
Vacant Property Insurance 101

Vacant Property Insurance 101

If your home is left unoccupied for weeks or months at a time, your standard homeowners insurance policy might not provide coverage in the event of a claim. Any damages or losses that occur would have to be paid out of pocket unless you have vacant property insurance....
Life Insurance Myths and Facts

Life Insurance Myths and Facts

  Thinking about your death isn’t the most enjoyable part of your life. However, ensuring your family’s future is protected when you’re gone is very important! Life insurance can help your family pay for funeral expenses, pay off any debt you left behind, and...
Boating Safety Kit

Boating Safety Kit

Being out on the open water is surreal. The smell of the salty sea, the warm sun beating down on the deck, seagulls singing you a tune, how can it get any better? The ocean has a mind of its own sometimes and you need to be prepared for anything. Having proper boat...